Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Guide

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Get the metrics and tools that will help you take a data-driven approach to recruitment. Download this practical Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Guide.

Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Guide
Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Guide

Get ready to win the war for talent by working smarter. Download your Data-Driven Talent Acquisition guide to learn how to use tools, technology and accessible analytics to build your team of A-players.

Fill out the form to learn about data-driven talent acquisition skills such as:

  • Measuring recruitment channel effectiveness
  • How to calculate key recruitment metrics
  • Spotting key missing skills using a skills matrix

Win the war for talent with data

Bad hires are always costly. And with organizations continuing to face major challenges, there is no room for errors. So how do you win the war for talent and find the right people to help your organization hit its strategic goals?

In this free guide, we’ll share the nine-step talent acquisition process, including the tools, data and metrics you need to optimize it for your organization.

The data-driven talent acquisition process

In this concise and practical guide, you will learn how to use data and handy tools to take the guesswork out of recruitment. Combine your existing expertise with this nine-step process to continuously improve your results — and create the reports to prove it.

This guide explores recruitment metrics such as:

  • Sourcing channel effectiveness
  • Yield ratio
  • Offer acceptance rate
  • Time to productivity
  • Cost of getting to OPL

And more, as well as practical tools to help you find the optimal process for your organization. Fill out the form and download your practical guide now!

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Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Guide

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Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Guide

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